
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today was another touristy relaxing day. We ate a little toast breakfast, and then set out for the Montessori school again, just to watch their Pongol Festival. Their festival was not great, their Kolum drawings were mostly done by the teachers and not painted correctly. Normally I wouldn't know the difference, but our perfect angels at TVS Academy taught us to do it the right way. So we watched their assembly, more than they watched it, and then we decided we would leave. We never felt welcomed at this school, and the children would not even wave or speak to us. We found out today that alot of these kids have celebrity/rich parents. So they are pretty bratty and don't care about education because they don't need it, they have money.

After that we had a little rest period and ate lunch; Indian egg-fried rice with tempura cauliflower in some sort of hot sauce, and then went to the mall to go to a really cool bangle shop. We picked out a bunch of sparkly bangles, and then we went to see our Bollywood movie. I was reluctant to this because I thought it would be boring, but it was so much fun! Granted, there were no subtitles; but Indian people speak with a lot of facial expression (thats partially why they get confused when we talk alot), so we followed the story line. I really want to own the movie! If you love a movie in another language that's really saying something. The actors were gorgeous. Maybe that's why I liked it. Anyways, the audience would hoot and holler when there was kissing, some people answered phones; but it didnt matter because they play movies really LOUD. And theres an intermission! Afterwards we went to a few more shops and called it a night. Now we are listening to Bollywood music! And I hope to get this movie in my easter basket. I'm a big Bollywood fan now! :)


Unknown said...

Haha fun! I bet you fell in love with the lead male ;)

Rick Williams said...

You have always been that emotional girl that falls falls in love with something new you discover when it strikes a chord within you.

Bollywood movies and music though? I dunno...

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